- не в ладах
- • НЕ В ЛАДУ <НЕ В ЛАДАХ> coll[PrepP; these forms only]=====1. не в ладах с кем [subj-compl with быть (subj: human) or adv]⇒ one is in disagreement with s.o., has a strained relationship with s.o.:- Хне в ладу с Y-ом{{}}≈ X is at odds with Y;- X is on the outs with Y;- X is on bad <not on good> terms with Y;- there's something wrong between X and Y;- something is not right between X and Y;- X does not get along (get on) with Y;- [in limited contexts] X and Y just don't click.♦ "Нет, он [Собакевич] с ними не в ладах", - подумал про себя Чичиков (Гоголь 3). "Не [Sobakevich] must be at odds with them," Chichikov thought to himself (3c).♦ ...Кузнец, который был издавна не в ладах с ним [с Чубом], при нем ни за что не отважится идти к дочке, несмотря на свою силу (Гоголь 5). ...The blacksmith, who had for a long time been on bad terms with him [Chub], would on no account have ventured, strong as he was, to visit the daughter when the father was at home (5a).♦ По несчастию, татарин-миссионер был не в ладах с муллою в Малмыже (Герцен 1). Unfortunately, the Tatar missionary was not on good terms with the mullah at Malmyzho (1a).♦ ...Я подумал: "Или вдовец, или живёт не в ладах с женой" (Шолохов 1). Either he's a widower, I decided, or there's something wrong between him and his wife (lc).♦ С братьями по вере [пятидесятник] не в ладах. Слишком для них эксцентричен (Терц 3). Не [the Pentecostalist] does not get on with his brethren in the faith-they find him too eccentric... (3a).⇒ one cannot understand or master sth., cannot learn how to use, apply etc sth.:- X не в ладу с Y-ом{{}}≈ X is at odds (at variance) with Y;- X is not (very) good at Y;- X is not cut out for Y.♦ "...Мне кажется, вы немножко не в ладах с русской грамматикой" (Войнович 3). "...It seems to me that you are somewhat at odds with Russian grammar" (3a)⇒ sth. is in discord with some other thing:- X с Y-ом не в ладу{{}}≈ X is not in harmony (in tune) with Y;- X and Y are at variance;- X is not in sync with Y.
Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь. — М.: ACT-ПРЕСС КНИГА. С.И. Лубенская. 2004.